Come hither, my hair and beauty lovies, I have a wonderful little secret to share with you!
You will not believe the prices you'll find on the industry's BEST haircare tools. Imagine paying $149 for a T3 Tourmaline Featherweight Hair Dryer (they're $200 @ Sephora) or $119.99 for the FHI Pink Flat Iron 1" (elsewhere they are $195). Those are exactly the prices you'll pay at Misikko. Oh, I cannot tell you how amazed I am at their prices, the quality of products they offer, and their customer service. Add to this that Misikko also offers high end beauty and skin care lines as well. We'll get to that in a minute though; I want to share more with you about the haircare tools.

Having heard sooooo much about how fab the T3 Tourmaline Featherweight Hair Dryer was, I was downright gleeful when the box arrived. This was a hairdryer, afterall, voted Best of Beauty by Allure Beauty Editors. I had such high expectations I was trying to bring myself down a few notches so as not to be too disappointed if it failed to deliver. You see, not only do I have color-treated (highlights and lowlights), thick, wavy-curly hair, I have a ton of it. I kid you not; some of you are thinking, "a little exaggeration, Rox" - nope. Let me make this short and sweet, when I go to my salon to get my hair colored and cut it takes 3 1/2 hours!! And a good portion of that is the drying time. Pam, my adorable, talented, sweet, oh-so-patient stylist owes her upper arm "guns" to yours truly ... hehe.
Soooo, having said all that, let's get to the point. I unpacked my beautiful dryer, which is even lighter than one might expect - I couldn't believe it, with all that power, too. I plugged it into the wall, took my big round brush in hand, and took two slow deep breaths. Click - I turned the dryer on, put that nozzle to the hair, round brush whipping through my mane, and voila - within eight (8) minutes every hair on my head was dry. You're kidding, right? My hair generally takes anywhere from 15 -20 minutes to dry on a good, dry, cool day. This was 92 degrees F outside, in the humidity of southern Louisiana, and my hair took eight minutes to dry. Truly phenomenal!
Top that? Ok, I shall ... the shine, straightness, and softness of my hair after using the T3 Featherweight yeilded the same benefit as had I blown it dry AND flat-ironed it with a high quality ceramic iron. Simply amazing! I really can't rave enough about this dryer. And to think - it's $50 less at Misikko than what one would pay at Sephora or other retail stores. I'm pleased as pie!
Here are some more price comparisons for tools you'll find at Misikko:
FHI 1" Flat Iron Platinum Special Edition $119.99 (reg. $195)
T3 Tourmaline Wet to Dry Flat Iron 1 3/4" Wide $145.95 (reg. $200)
As I mentioned earlier, Misikko also offers wonderful beauty and skincare products from brands like Blinc Cosmetics (they make the famous Kiss Me Mascara), Murad, Yu Be, Lip Fusion, Freeze 24/7, Supersmile, Clean Perfume and more. If you're in the market for a new hair dryer, flat iron (ceramic or ionic), curling iron, or other great item, save yourself some time and money and check out Misikko. Oh, and YES they ship to Canada as well as nationwide - they have great shipping deals. :o )
photos: beauty and bath (woman with hair), misikko

Good resource. I found a hair styling tool selling site. Which site selling the product at very cheaper price with free shipping with every purchase. Here the site > http://www.hairstraightenercare.com